![]() 青島紅海偉業家居用品有限公司是一家集設計、生產、銷售于一體的現代化專家具制造商。主要經營辦沙發、軟床、床墊等家具。公司于2005年成立于美麗的海濱城市青島,憑借多年的生產經驗、專業的技術、創新的理念、競爭力的價格和優質的售后服務獲得業界的一致好評。多年來我們秉承“精誠團結、客戶為尊、求實創新、追求卓越”的經營方針,努力將公司做大、做強,使我們的企業、品牌受人尊敬!公司實行高效率的管理,從設計、生產、銷售及服務,為您提供一條龍式服務。公司產品制作的每一個步驟,都執行嚴格的作業標準和程序化的作業方法,質量層層把關,確保符合客戶要求,達到客戶滿意。現公司產品種類齊全,款式多樣。公司竭誠希望與有志之士合作,為您創造舒適、環保、現代化的居家、工作環境!
Established in Qingdao 2005, Qingdao Redsea Great Furniture Co.,Ltd is a professional furniture manufacturer of designing, producing and marketing.Our focus is on sofas range,upholstered beds,mattresses.
We have gotten high reputation for years of experienced producing, high-quality, competitive price and excellent after-sales service.
Our great efforts have been revolving around the operating principles: solidarity, customer first and innovation, and have been striving for the bigger and stronger business.
The high effective management is being implemented. We can offer you one package service of designing, producing, selling and after-sales service. In our manufacturing process, the operation standard has been strictly followed out in order to your satisfaction. We sincerely welcome you the prospective customers for cooperation to create the modern and comfortable atmosphere in your residential homes.